Saturday, October 30, 2010

Excerpt from One of Joy's Last Support Letters

While we did not think much about it when Joy distributed this letter in the Spring of 2010, looking at it now seems like her words were prophetic. Below are the first two paragraphs:

" Greetings Friends, Family and Coworkers in the Gospel! I Googled the word 'Travel' recently and found this definition: TRAVEL - TO ADVANCE, TO MOVE FORWARD!

"Almost two years ago now, I was traveling in Indonesia when the Lord gave me a picture in my spirit and began speaking to me. In the picture, I saw Jesus above me reaching out His hand as if to say 'Come up here my Beloved Child. I want to show you this and lead you here.' I remember being initially afraid; afraid of the unknown and not sure what the next step would look like. Now, almost two years later, as I prepare to 'TRAVEL' again, He has given me a bit more insight on how to walk that word out.

"Early in 2009 I finished up my 2 year commitment to Overland Missions. The lessons I learned and the friendships I made during my time in FL with them will last a lifetime. Knowing the Lord was calling me back to my South Carolina 'home', and clinging to the promise that Heaven is my real 'HOME', I said goodbye again and moved away. I prefer to say it more like 'I'll see you later' as I part ways with my friends. :) ...."

I am glad she made it HOME!

Dan Bausum


  1. I was reading my letter the other day and it made me suck in my breath when I read those words. You are right. Her words were prophetic. God was preparing her and we'll see her later.

  2. Dan, I remember reading this letter when she sent it out and just having it touch my heart in a special way. I remember tearing up and actually crying over how beautifully written it was. -Alison Trotter
