Monday, September 27, 2010

Note Found in Joy's Bible

8/4/02 Oh God, I commit from this day on that nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing will come between You and me. Not what others think about me, not friends, not being smart and knowing everything. Definitely not what my future holds and the man God  has for me. Lord, I know that I have committed everything to you before, but obviously it wasn't a true commitment. Devil, you do not have the victory. Sin, you are gone in the name of Jesus. Doubt and fear have no place in my life anymore. I am a child and woman of God and my love is going to continue to grow more every day for You. And, it's because of that, that I can and will have an impact on this world. Me, Joy Elizabeth Bausum will make a difference that no one else can. I love You and rip my insides apart Lord that things will fall in the place and order  you have ordained them to. Thanks that in You there is VICTORY!


  1. Joy was 18 years old when she wrote that. It is written on half a sheet of notebook paper. On the margin is written "Romans 8:26-27 Please read it.

  2. Oh WOW! What a commitment to Jesus! That is so lovely and powerful and amazing!
    She sure did, God did through her!
    Lord, Thank you for the life and inspiration of Joy's on mine. I pray that I will never forget all the things she represents to me. So dedicated and in love with you and your people!
    Bless the seeds! Bless the fruit! Bless all the lives she led to you!
